Told ‘take your clothes off and work’, so they did

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From Huffington Post: ————- People in the eastern European country of Belarus are mocking their leader’s authoritarian ways and apparent verbal flub by stripping naked at work. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, often referred to as Europe’s last dictator, delivered a speech … Continued

Science says that going nude is good for you

posted in: Ponderables, What's Nude | 0

From, link to article. If the article disappears, here is the text: ======================================== How many times during this year’s super hot and humid summer did you just wish you could strip all of your clothes off to cool … Continued

NBC News article about dwindling AANR membership

posted in: What's Nude | 0

The following was posted on Saturday Aug 3. “Traditional nudist groups are trying to re-brand their wrinkled public image by swapping out some of the older faces and replacing them with fresher looks. Yet their numbers are shrinking.” To see … Continued